
Case Study: NJ Coaching The Brief Neil from NJ Coaching approached us as he was looking to take his business online to achieve a more professional look to his customers. He wanted a website that would showcase his offering but also looked sleek, matched his branding and included a way for people to contact him about his services. The Plan We started off by planning what kind of site template he liked the look and feel of and began discussing branding and what colors would work on the site along with what his main focus points were. By investing time early on in the process we were able to understand what he envisioned his site looking like and how it would function and aid his business. The Implementation When we began the implementation phase, we gave Neil an expected completion date and began working on the foundations behind the site. We started by sourcing the domain name chosen by Neil and setting up WordPress Instance on our UK based server, allowing us to start designing the site and testing plugins we had discussed in the planning phase that would be useful tools for what he wanted achieve with the site. Completion & Launch Once the site was designed, tested and signed off by Neil we launched the site and he began to share it on his social media channels and we began to see an increase in viewership and contact forms being completed, bringing in new business thanks to his professional new website. We continue to work closely with Neil to make sure that everything is functioning as intended and he has the support he need, when he need’s it. Key Points This was a great project for us as it allowed us to build and launch our first client website and understand what our client wanted and expected from us. This project helped us understand things in more detail by utilising different plugins. We were able to research the best tools for this specific use case and begin testing these to ensure functionality and aesthetics were at the forefront. Working closely with our client helped us build a relationship which has continued to grow and has made us realise that by listening closely to our clients, we can add value to every project as we’re able to provide not only a service but a strong, personalised and growing relationship. Live Website Click here to view the official NJ Coaching website.